1:1 Ceremony with Luke


Be guided in an Intentional Cacao ceremony by Luke.

Luke will weave his healing medicine through you with song and reflection and tailor the experience to meet your intention.

Become empowered with your beverage and begin to realise the power in your cup.

This cacao ceremony will be a 90 minute session in person only.

What you will receive.
- 90 minute session
- Cacao prepared and made for you to suit the intention of the ceremony.
- 250 G bag of Ceremonial Cacao to take with you. (Luke will use this bag to create the brew for the ceremony and you will get to keep the rest to take with you)
- 10% discount on products (valid for 30 days post session)

Upon purchasing you will receive an email from Luke to work through the intention for the ceremony plus all the other major details i.e date of ceremony, location.

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