1:1 Ceremony with Paige


Be guided in ceremony by Paige.

Paige is a heart-led creator, here on earth with the intention of guiding others to remembering their wholeness within. In this session you will be held in tender loving care in order to invite anything that is not in alignment with love to arise to the surface and be healed. 

Paige holds a pillar of light in order to deeply initiate those who choose it, to heal it, to love it, to know it and to be it. And the it is the truth and wisdom of their hearts. 

What you’ll receive
- 90 minute session
- Cacao prepared and made for them 
- A recording of the session
- 10% discount on products (valid for 30 days post session)

Upon purchasing you will receive an email from Paige to work through all the finer details.

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